Artículos en revista

Año: 2019

Nuñez S, Garelli F, Picó J, De Battista H.  2019.  Analysis of Transcriptional Feedback Strategy for Reducing Interaction in Gene Expression Processes. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 52:526-531.
Levieux LI, Inthamoussou FA, De Battista H.  2019.  Power dispatch assessment of a wind farm and a hydropower plant: A case study in Argentina. Energy Conversion and Management. 180:391-400.
Haimovich H, De Battista H.  2019.  Disturbance-tailored super-twisting algorithms: Properties and design framework. Automatica. 101:318-329.
Jamilis M, Garelli F, De Battista H, Volcke EIP.  2019.  Stability and control of a partial nitritation reactor with biomass retention. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 144:318-333.
Castañeda MTeresita, Nuñez S, Voget C, De Battista H.  2019.  In silico optimization of lipid production in Rhodosporidium toruloides by gene knockout strategies. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 52:94-99.
Jamilis M, Garelli F, De Battista H, Volcke EIP.  2019.  Operating conditions analysis for a partial nitritation process with biomass retention.. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 52:643-648.
Cappelletti M, Cédola A., Olivera LM, Casas G, Osio JR, Peltzer y Blancá E..  2019.  Extraction of the minority carrier transport properties of solar cells using the Hovel model and genetic algorithms. Measurement Science and Technology. 31:025601.
García-Jaramillo M, León-Vargas F, Rosales N, Molano A, Garelli F.  2019.  Interval Simulator of the Glucose-Insulin System. Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering.

Año: 2018

Sánchez-Peña R, Colmegna P, Garelli F, De Battista H, García-Violini D, Moscoso-Vásquez M, Rosales N, Fushimi E, Campos-Náñez E, Breton M et al..  2018.  Artificial Pancreas: Clinical Study in Latin America Without Premeal Insulin Boluses. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. 12(5):914-925.
Fushimi E, Rosales N, De Battista H, Garelli F.  2018.  Artificial pancreas clinical trials: Moving towards closed-loop control using insulin-on-board constraints. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 45:1-9.
Castañeda MT, Nuñez S, Garelli F, Voget C, De Battista H.  2018.  Comprehensive analysis of a Metabolic Model for lipid production in Rhodosporidium toruloides. Journal of Biotechnology. 280:11-18.
García-Clúa JG, Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2018.  Optimal sizing of a grid-assisted wind-hydrogen system. Energy Conversion and Management. 166:402-408.
De Battista H, Jamilis M, Garelli F, Picó J.  2018.  Global stabilisation of continuous bioreactors: Tools for analysis and design of feeding laws. Automatica. 89:340-348.
Rosales N, De Battista H, Vehí J, Garelli F.  2018.  Open-loop glucose control: Automatic IOB-based Super-Bolus feature for commercial insulin pumps. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 159:145-158.
Colmegna P, Garelli F, De Battista H, Sánchez-Peña R.  2018.  Automatic regulatory control in type 1 diabetes without carbohydrate counting. Control Engineering Practice. 74:22-32.
Rosendo JL, Clement B, Garelli F.  2018.  Experimental validation of constraint mitigation algorithm in underwater robot depth control. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering.
Valenciaga F, Inthamoussou FA.  2018.  A novel PV-MPPT method based on a second order sliding mode gradient observer. Energy Conversion and Management. 176:422-430.
Cappelletti M, Casas G., Cédola A., Peltzer y Blancá E., B. Soucase M.  2018.  Study of the reverse saturation current and series resistance of p-p-n perovskite solar cells using the single and double-diode models. Superlattices and Microstructures. 123:338-348.
León-Vargas F, Garelli F, Zapateiro M.  2018.  Limiting vertical acceleration for ride comfort in active suspension systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 232:223-232.
Rosendo JL, Monnet D, Clement B, Garelli F, Ninin J.  2018.  Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle subject to robustness constraints. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 51:322-327.
Monnet D, Rosendo JL, De Battista H, Clement B, Ninin J, Garelli F.  2018.  A global optimization approach for non-linear sliding mode control analysis and design. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 51:128-133.

Año: 2017

Sánchez-Peña R, Colmegna P, Grosembacher L., Breton M., De Battista H, Garelli F, Belloso W.H, Campos-Nánez E., Simonovich V., Beruto V. et al..  2017.  Artificial Pancreas: First Clinical Trials in Argentina. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 50:7731-7736.
Casas G., Cappelletti M, Cédola A., B Soucase M, Peltzer y Blancá E..  2017.  Analysis of the power conversion efficiency of perovskite solar cells with different materials as Hole-Transport Layer by numerical simulations. Superlattices and Microstructures. 107:136-143.

Año: 2016

Nuñez S, Garelli F, De Battista H.  2016.  Product-based sliding mode observer for biomass and growth rate estimation in Luedeking–Piret like processes. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 105:24-30.
Jamilis M, Garelli F, De Battista H.  2016.  Smooth extremum-seeking control for fed-batch processes. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 49:103-108.
