Experimental validation of constraint mitigation algorithm in underwater robot depth control

TítuloExperimental validation of constraint mitigation algorithm in underwater robot depth control
Tipo de PublicaciónJournal Article
Año de Publicación2018
AutoresRosendo JL, Clement B, Garelli F
JournalProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering
Fecha de publicación08/2018

This work explores both modeling and control of the experimental Ciscrea autonomous underwater vehicle. A 6-degree-of-freedom model is presented and validated for turn and emerge/sink maneuvers. Then, a constraint compensating algorithm is proposed based on quasi-sliding mode conditioning ideas and added to a pre-existing inaccessible proportional-derivative controller in order to improve the overall closed-loop response. By considering actuator constraints, the employed technique allows path following at greater speed than the original controller for a given error tolerance. Experimental results on the so-called Ciscrea underwater robot are presented.

Líneas de investigación: 
Control de Sistemas Autónomos
Control of autonomous systems
Control and coordination of robotic systems
Control y coordinación de sistemas robóticos