
Título Method and software for the determination and time profile of an insulin dosis
Cita De Battista, H., Garelli F., León F., & Vehí J. (Submitted).  Method and software for the determination and time profile of an insulin dosis.
Año de publicación Submitted

Method and software for the determination and time profile of an insulin dosis to be infused to an user. The method comprises the estimation, using an algorithm executed in a processor, of an insulin on board value, or IOB, indicative of a level of residual insulin yet active in the body of a user after being delivered to him; and the calculation, using an algorithm executed in a processor, of an insulin dosis to be delivered in successive pump instants by an insulin pump, during a given time interval, so that the estimated IOB value tracks at least one  prescribed IOB profile, independently of boluses or correction boluses previously infused to the used.


Fecha de publicación 01/2015