Juan Luis Rosendo

Born in La Plata, Argentina, in 1988. He received the B.S.E.E. degree in 2013 and the PhD degree in 2019, both from La Plata National University, Argentina. Currently he is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, UNLP. His main research interests are in nonlinear control and its applications in fields like robotics and autonomous vehicles.

Teaching position Professor
Research Category
email juanluis.rosendo@ing.unlp.edu.ar
CV (English) cv_rosendo_english.pdf
CV (Spanish) cv_rosendo_unlp.pdf
Education Electronic Engineer
Fields of interest Nonlinear control, Robotics, Autonomous vehicles, Computer vision, SLAM.
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My publications


Journal Articles

Rosendo JL, Monnet D, De Battista H, Ninin J, Clement B, Garelli F.  2020.  A global optimization approach for sliding mode tuning and existence maps generation. International Journal of Dynamics and Control.
Rosendo JL, Clement B, Garelli F.  2018.  Experimental validation of constraint mitigation algorithm in underwater robot depth control. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering.
Monnet D, Rosendo JL, De Battista H, Clement B, Ninin J, Garelli F.  2018.  A global optimization approach for non-linear sliding mode control analysis and design. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 51:128-133.
Rosendo JL, Monnet D, Clement B, Garelli F, Ninin J.  2018.  Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle subject to robustness constraints. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 51:322-327.
Rosendo JL, Clement B, Garelli F.  2016.  Sliding mode reference conditioning for path following applied to an AUV. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 49:8-13.