Bernabé Ibañez

Born in Argentina, in 1990. Received the B.S.E.E. degree from the National University of La Plata (UNLP), Argentina, in 2015. Currently, he is working as Support Staff for Research and Development in the Institute of Industrial Electronics, Control and Signal Processing (LEICI). He is also a Professor in Physics, UNLP. His main research interests are in control of renewable energy systems.

Teaching position Professor
Research Category Support Staff for Research and Development Career (CONICET)
CV (English) CV_Ibañez_EN.pdf
CV (Spanish) CV_Ibañez_ES.pdf
Education Electronic Engineer
Fields of interest Renewable energy, Automatic Control
My profile on:

My publications

Journal Articles

Ibáñez B, Inthamoussou FA, De Battista H.  2023.  Active Power Control on wind turbines: impact on mechanical loads. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 21:984–990.
Ibáñez B, Inthamoussou FA, De Battista H.  2020.  Wind turbine load analysis of a full range LPV controller. Renewable Energy.