Integrated sliding-mode algorithms in robot tracking applications

TítuloIntegrated sliding-mode algorithms in robot tracking applications
Tipo de PublicaciónJournal Article
Año de Publicación2013
AutoresGracia L, Garelli F, Sala A
JournalRobotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
Páginas53 - 62
Palabras claveSliding mode

An integrated solution based on sliding mode ideas is proposed for robotic trajectory tracking. The proposal includes three sliding-mode algorithms for speed auto-regulation, path conditioning and redundancy resolution in order to fulfill velocity, workspace and C-space constraints, respectively. The proposed method only requires a few program lines and simplifies the robot user interface since it directly deals with the fulfillment of the constraints to find a feasible solution for the robot trajectory tracking in a short computation time. The proposed approach is evaluated in simulation on the freely accessible 6R robot model PUMA-560, for which the main features of the method are illustrated.

Refereed DesignationUnknown
Líneas de investigación: 
Control de Sistemas Autónomos
Control of autonomous systems
Control and coordination of robotic systems
Control y coordinación de sistemas robóticos